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The sharp rise in egg freezing

The pandemic prompted a rise in women freezing their eggs. But fertility preservation is more than just a Covid craze.

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The Covid couples struggling with post-lockdown life

Now that much of the world has re-opened, some couples who got together during the pandemic are finding that keeping their relationships together isn’t a given.

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Why women have to sprint into leadership positions

If women don't secure senior jobs in the first decade of their careers, they often can't do so later. But this dash to climb the ranks early takes a toll.

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The couples taking relationship 'gap years'

An increasing number of married couples are spending planned time apart. Does absence make the heart grow fonder?

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The parents creating new last names for their children

A child taking the father’s surname by default? For many parents, it’s no longer such a simple choice.

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Women breadwinners: Why high-earners compensate at home

An increasing number of women are taking home bigger cheques than their male partners. Yet breadwinning still causes feelings of insecurity and discomfort for both parties.

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The workers with social anxiety fearing the return-to-office

Jumping back into office life isn’t always a matter of strolling through the front door and getting down to work. For an increasing number of workers, it can be cause for panic.

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Age gaps: The relationship taboo that won't die

Societies are increasingly progressive; today, many people accept that love presents in many ways. So why do people still judge couples who are many years apart?

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Kids getting older younger: Are children growing up too fast?

Social media, pampering parents, increased pressure to succeed – ‘kids these days’ deal with a lot. But is it making them grow up faster or slower than previous generations?

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Are younger generations truly weaker than older ones?

Younger cohorts are often stereotyped as being lazy, entitled or self-obsessed – and have been for centuries. Is there something to this perception?

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Why people still believe in the 'soulmate myth'

The allure of ‘The One’ stretches across time and cultures. Why do some people continue to believe in finding the perfect person?

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Is having a favourite child really a bad thing?

Although it may be uncomfortable to admit, many parents play favourites among their children. Is that 'bad' parenting?

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Will workers continue to pay a price for flexibility?

Employees with non-traditional working arrangements have been punished in pay and promotions alike. As flexible work becomes the norm, can we end the penalty?

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The parental shame that haunts working parents

Juggling work and family pressures is hard – and when parents are ashamed of how they’re managing the “impossible balancing act”, research shows their careers suffer.

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The 'time poverty' that robs parents of success

There’s never enough time in the day. But for some parents, there’s even less – and the ‘time poverty’ problem has never been more magnified.

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Why some work environments breed toxic cultures

A noxious work environment can show up in any company – but some environments breed bad situations more than others.

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The workers keeping their disabilities secret

Disabled and chronically ill workers fear they’ll be penalised for revealing their conditions. Has the pandemic helped – or are biases too entrenched?

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How Fertility Became a Workplace Perk

More companies are offering benefits that cover IVF, egg-freezing or surrogacy. Are these perks, which can be divisive, really the key to retaining staff?

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Why Relying on Productivity Tools Can Backfire

The explosion in productivity tech means we can track everything from our steps to our to-do list. But should we?

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What the Dutch Can Teach the World About Remote Work

The Netherlands may have figured out something about working from home (pandemic or no) that the rest of the world has yet to learn.

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How Chronic Renters are Reshaping the Homeware Industry

Home ownership is a distant dream for many millennials – but they still want stylish, personalised rental homes. Their ambitions are changing the homeware industry.

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The 'life-changing' divorce coaches helping couples split

Divorce is immensely stressful, and often hard to navigate logistically and emotionally. A new group of professionals are helping people lighten the load.

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Emotional infidelity: The flirtation that undermines couples

While physical infidelity might be easy to define, emotional infidelity can be something of a minefield. 

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The exes forced to live together after breaking up

After splitting up, some couples make a clean break. But others are in unavoidable situations, forced to cohabit with their ex-partner – and this may get worse.

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Should you trust personal finance advice from a 'finfluencer'?

A growing number of creators are doling out tips online for how to spend, save and invest. Is it a modern approach to financial literacy – or a big red flag?

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Influencing can be a high-earning career. Why don't we take it seriously?

Content creators are making big money and running businesses as influencers. It's time to recognise their work as a real job.

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Passive income: Can easy side hustles earn big money?

Creators are touting passive income schemes that promise big returns for little effort. Can it work?

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The proactive fertility care industry is soaring. Is that a good thing?

Many women are seeking new services to plan their future parenthood. They can be empowering, but some argue there's a dark side to the growing business.

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